Physical Activity Day

In April Physical Activity Day is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness among the population about the importance of doing activity on a regular basis to have good habits and improve health. For this reason, within the framework of the world day of physical activity, we want to invite you...

Autism in children and adolescents

Awareness and sensitization Within the framework of the World Autism Day (TEA) we invite you to share a talk on awareness, inclusion and empathy so that it is a commitment of all. In addition, we will talk about general characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children and...

Physical activity and health

We invite you to a course where we will give advice about "physical activity" promoting information to exercise in a healthy and safe way. First Instance Evaluations of the musculoskeletal system- Injury prevention In charge of Dr. Juan Comesaña Physical...

Anxiety disorder in children and adolescents

We invite you to a meeting where we will talk about anxiety disorder in children and adolescents. Anxiety, how to identify it/or detect it. What repercussions does anxiety generate in children and adolescents? When faced the suspicion of an anxiety disorder, what should I do? Who should I...

Respiratory infections at the beginning of classes

Along with the start of classes and seasons ‘changes, respiratory infections in children increase. With 2 experts on the subject we will talk about: Which factors can cause respiratory diseases in children? What are the most common infections and how can we prevent them? What is...

Physical activity in women. Myths and truths | International Women's Day

To lead a healthy life it´s necessary to practice certain physical activities which are generally followed by a series of myths, for this reason, we will talk about myths and truths about women physical activity. At the end of the workshop we will have space to answer all the doubts of our...

Guided visit through MACA museum

This summer we share a unique and exclusive experience for our BH members at MACA museum, where they can connect with the personal wellness through art at Maca museum. Participate in this experience on Friday 4th of February. We hope you can come to enjoy the sky, the air, the sounds of...

HBWEEK 2023 | Summer inspires us

A new edition of HBWEEK 2023 returns to give your holidays experiences that inspire. We invite you to participate the first week of January in outdoor experiences in contact with the sea and nature. Make your reservation by calling to the Tel. 2487 1020, ext. 2740 FUN SURF Date: From...