Identification bracelets

From December 2014, following the International patterns regarding patients’ security and established by the OMS, the Hospital has implemented the use of compulsory identification bracelets at the moment of being hospitalized in the Institution. It contains identification patients’ data...

1st. HB Nursing Week

With total success, under the slogan "Sharing Experiences" and within the framework of lifelong training policy, the Hospital developed the first week of Nursing which was attended by over 300 professionals. The initiative sprung from the Nursing to conduct an internal exchange of...

National Day of Voluntary Blood Donor: Donors Club

In commemoration of the “National Day of the Voluntary Blood Donor” different interventions take place in the Hospital with the purpose to educate and encourage the Voluntary Donation Healthy Community. This year by incidental talks in Morales Polyclinic Hall, we raise awareness for...

XXIII Heart´s Week

Regarding the Twenty-Third Heart´s Week, and under the 2014 campaign´s slogan "Creating more healthy environments for the heart",  the British Hospital carries out various activities in order to raise awareness on the prevention of cardiovascular risks, promoting as...

On children´s day we pamper our kids

In celebration of this day, funny characters went over our Emergency services, Pediatric internment areas and the Neonatal Unit, amusing our youngest patients. We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with music and happiness, we received unforgettable smiles and gestures of...

EXPERIENCE: “Advanced Simulation” in the Pediatric Emergency Service

Fortunately, "pediatric emergencies" are uncommon situations. Nevertheless, they demand a quick and effective answer from our health care professionals. Medical skills and abilities are necessary competencies in the healthcare team. Their learning requires a solid theoretical content,...