Workshops for Hospital Scheme’s members 2018

Through the planning of an extensive agenda of activities, the Hospital is focused on responding to the main concerns of its members through various educational proposals; convinced that information is the main tool to contribute to the life quality of our families. NOVEMBER 15.11 | Male...

Week for Breastfeeding

From 1st to 7th of August Each year The Breastfeeding week is celebrated with the purpose of encouraging this practise, taking into consideration that maternal milk is the ideal nourishment to provide all the necessary nutrients for a baby’s healthy growth and development. In this...

New Mobile HBAPP application

Taking into account the comfort of our members, we launched the new mobile HBAPP application, its features and exclusive information to facilitate and improve self-management. Features Multilogin It allows managing the access of multiple users, thought to facilitate and unify the management of...