Novedades Hospital Scheme: nuevas cadenas de farmacias

We have expanded our system of pharmacies. We now have 3 chains to supply your medication. The conditions will be maintained according to your plan: 50% discount and Tickets’ system.   “EL TÚNEL” PHARMACY PHONE NUMBER: 2406 8096  CALL CENTER...

Hospital Scheme news: new pharmacy chains

We have expanded our system of pharmacies. We now have 3 chains to supply your medication. The conditions will be maintained according to your plan: 50% discount and Tickets’ system.   “EL TÚNEL” PHARMACY PHONE NUMBER: 2406 8096 (exclusive line...

News 2021

2020: A year that mobilized us all We tell you how we went through it, the changes in the infrastructure and the health care services. All the news besides the benefits and the notes of interest of our health staff.   Visualize the publication by doing click in the following link: HB...

Anxiety at home: how we support our children

In times of change and challenge, it is common to feel worried or afraid and it can be difficult to identify when this becomes a problem and needs attention. How can we approach our children to know their fears? Read...

Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre el Autismo

En el marco del día de la concientización sobre el autismo los invitamos a una charla de sensibilización en la comunidad, la inclusión y la empatía. Además conversaremos sobre las distintas situaciones que se han presentado en esta...

Medical Consultations IN APRIL

Given the new sanitary measures taken by the MSP, we are obliged to make some modifications to our services.   CONSULTATIONS SCHEDULED UNTIL THE 30th  OF APRIL These requirements apply, by the moment until the 30th of April, at which time they will be reviewed by the...

COVID Vaccination Campaign

We want to inform you that the logistics, the schedule and the standards to carry out the vaccination at the different stages, depend exclusively on the MSP and the National authorities. We have set up an exclusive place for the vaccine against Covid 19 and we are ready to accompany this great...

Mes de la Mujer

En el mes de marzo iniciamos un ciclo de charlas y actividades por zoom en el marco del día Internacional de la Mujer, tratando distintos temas que aluden a la salud física y mental de las mujeres.   Lunes 8, 18:30 hs. Charla + Práctica de mindfulness El rol...