Transfusion medicine

"CLUB CHARITY " BRITISH HOSPITAL AND ENSURES PROMOTES BLOOD DONATION DONOR AND THEIR FAMILIES The implementation of a " Solidarity Club " allowed the British Hospital have almost 250 users who donate blood twice a year, promote voluntary and lead to the adoption of best...

September 11. Health official day

We want to remind all our users that September 11th, marks the Day of the Health worker. This day is a non-working holiday for our sector, so that our services remain open in emergency regime. Thank you for sharing this day with...

Advanced Physiotherapy

PERMANENT TRAINING AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DETERMINE THE PHYSIATRY DEPARTMENT OF THE BRITISH HOSPITAL Permanent recruitment and training of medical professionals and physiotherapists , detection and care of new needs , teamwork with other professionals and managing for excellence in the...

Mom Gourmet

During this Breastfeeding edition Week we have planned a new Gastronomic Workshop aimed at our pregnant members. Our nutritionist team and the Breastfeeding Clinic along with the Chef Diego Ruete, planned a gastronomic workshop and interactive recipes designed exclusively for nursing mothers...

Digital Imaging

THE BRITISH HOSPITAL REACHES THE TOTAL SCANNING OF ITS DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING DEPARTMENT As part of its policy of continuous improvement, the British Hospital in the coming days will reach the scanning of one hundred percent of the images obtained in different procedures and studies by the...

Breastfeeding Week

In the edition of this year's World Breastfeeding Week, we have planned several activities that are particularly relevant to the nutritional care of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Our nutritionists team and the Breast Clinic planned for this week a complete detail of the key...

Mammography/Thyroid Cancer

Mammography does not cause thyroid cancer Concerns have been raised due to the spread of misinformation regarding the small dose of radiation received by a woman during a mammogram can increase the chances of developing thyroid cancer. This concern is not supported by scientific...

Visit from the Buenos Aires British Hospital

Last Monday we were honored by the visit of a delegation of authorities of the Buenos Aires British Hospital. It was chaired by Mr. Cedric Bridger (Vice President), Dr. Angel Yebara (CEO), Mr. Sebastian Dates (Institutional Relations Director) and Ms. Mari Chamba (Chief Nursing Officer). The...