Mastology Conference: Hereditary Family Breast Cancer


Presencial y vía Zoom

Continuing medical education

Mastology Unit

General presentation of the Mastology Conference 2021: Heredofamily breast cancer

Foreign guests:


Dr. Eduardo González (Argentina)

Mastologist, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Specialist in Oncological Surgery, Head of Mastology at the Ángel H. Roffo Institute of Oncology, Associate Professor of General Surgery, University of Bs. As., UBA.


Dr. Lina M. Núñez (Argentina)

Clinical Doctor and University Geneticist specialized in hereditary and familial Cancers, Coordinator of the National Family Cancer Program (PROCAFA) and the Argentine Network of Family Cancer (RACAF) of the National Cancer Institute of Argentina, Staff Physician of the Oncology Service of the German Hospital de Bs. As. Y Medical staff of the Medical Genetics Section of the CEMIC University Hospital.

National guests: Dr. Adriana De La Valle, Dr. Nora Artagaveytia, Dr. Cecilia Castillo, Dr. Natalia Camejo, Dr. Dana Kimelman, Dr. Alicia Vaglio, Dr. Florencia Neffa, Dr. Rosario Guecaimburu, Dr. Carlos Acevedo, Dr. Guillermo Laviña.

General coordination:

Dr. Carlitos Arévalo, Head of the British Hospital Mastology Unit.

Dr. Rosario Gueçaimburú, Geneticist, of the British Hospital Mastology Unit.


Addressed to: Mastologists, Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Oncologists, General Practitioners, Gynecologists, Geneticists.


Supported by the: Uruguayan Mastology Society

DATE: 27th of November

FROM: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Face-to-face activity (*) and via zoom with previous registration at:

 (*) You must present the Certificate of COVID-19 vaccines and compliance with security measures which will be informed at the time of registration.


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