Nuevo Centro de Radioterapia de Alta Precisión

Con la reciente inauguración de una clínica de radioterapia de alta precisión, el Hospital Británico cerró un año que lo confirmó como el mejor centro hospitalario privado del país y uno de los referentes de la región, producto de poner...

Ketogenic therapy as a result to difficult control epilepsy

This therapeutic alternative achieves a significant response in a high percentage of patients, both children and adults.   The British Hospital have created a Ketogenic Therapy Center which is specialized in addressing cases of epilepsy that are difficult to control (that do not respond...

Birth Rooms

More than 20 years ago the British Hospital set a historic precedent regarding the conception of childbirth, birth and the care of the couple and the family led by Dr. Juan Carlos Scasso.   Today we mark another milestone by inaugurating new Birth Rooms that higligth our philosophy of...

New technology to prevent hair loss in cancer patients

British Hospital has incorporated equipment to prevent hair loss in breast cancer patients: Neocaps Cold Helmets. The Oncology Department of the British Hospital has incorporated the necessary equipment to make available to breast cancer patients the possibility of using “cold...

State-of-the-art equipment for Cardiac Surgery

The British Hospital continues to incorporate cutting-edge technology and on this occasion we refer to new Cardiac Surgery equipment, of which we highlight a Stöcker 55 Extracorporeal Circulation Pump and the Medistim MiraQ Cardiac Flowmeter System.   The Stöcker 55...

New Cryopreservation System with Programmed Descent

In its commitment to excellence the British Hospital constantly incorporates top-level technologies, in this case the new Cryopreservation System with Programmed Descent.   To understand the usefulness of this technology we must understand the objective of cryopreservation, which is...