The British Hospital consolidates as a reference point of academic training and scientific research.

Dozens of students from all universities in the country perform both, their undergraduate and graduate studies in different specialties which are added up to a packed agenda of academic, scientific, educational and continuing medical training activities, that bring together renowned experts in the field and several countries in the world. Thereby, the British Hospital consolidates as a reference point of academic training and scientific research. “Teaching, generation and the development of scientific knowledge support the attention we provide to our members”, mentioned the British Hospital Director, Walter Pereyra. In the last years the British Hospital deepened the relationship and the academic agreement execution with foreign universities in the field as the Republic University (UDELAR), the Catholic University (UCUDAL), the Latin-American Human Economic Center (CLAEH), Montevideo University (UM) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Río Grande Do Sul (PUCRGS) as well as with the Medical Technological School of the School of Medicine (UDELAR). The British Hospital is also an Educational Institution Associated (CEDAS) of the School of Medicine of the Republic University.  Click here: Press Note Newspaper EL PAÍS 04.09.15

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