Sexual health as a source of well-being

Diario EL PAIS

Health and sexual well-being are directly related to quality of life, assured the British expert

Health and sexual well-being are directly related to quality of life, so it is very important to have an early consultation and obtain timely treatment, said Santiago Cedrés, a leading sexologist at the British Hospital Sexology Polyclinic, from where he leads the implementation workshops on the prevention of dysfunctions and the promotion of sexual health.                               

"Daughter of psychology", originally everything related to sexuality "was psychologized", but nowadays there are "clear study protocols, drugs and approach therapies, typical of sexology", understood as a medical specialty that aims to quality of life.

For the specialist, "physical, affective and social well-being are directly related to sexual health", and those who have a satisfactory sexual life are less prone to become depressed, handle anxiety and stress in a better way, and sleep better, among other benefits.              

The advancement of Medical Sexology allows "studying and knowing the causes" of sexual dysfunctions, in order to face its treatment approach. Therefore, Cedrés stressed the relevance of multidisciplinary work, involving endocrinologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists and urologists, among others, and depending on each case, they may be due to multiple causes.  He highlighted the importance of putting aside myths and false beliefs, promptly consulting and obtaining the most appropriate approach, "from the person or from the partner." "Sexual dysfunctions are very varied" and can occur in the stage of desire, in the arousal one or in the orgasm.

The "decreased sexual desire, the loss or deterioration of sexual desire, are the most frequent consultation in women", while in men under 40 years it is "by far" premature ejaculation and "after 40 erectile dysfunctions, in Uruguay and in the world”.                                                  

Cedrés recalled that in adulthood chronic diseases appear, difficulties in falling asleep, depression and sometimes taking medications "with the consequent psycho-emotional impact on the person", which can become "the main cause of loss of sexual desire”. To this is added, in the case of women, menopause.                                                                                                    

Medical consultation is very important for the opportune treatment and to avoid that anxiety keeps growing and rejection appears”, he warned. "Sexuality is a source of encounter and it can turn into a disagreement," he wrote. In this context, he pointed out that “in a long-term relationship communication is of utmost importance. The function of communication is to enhance the couple's encounter”.               

In the case of men, he pointed out to the “psycho-emotional repercussions”, such as “the loss of self-esteem and confidence in sexual relations”. He asserted that "intellectualization" is one of the major causes of failure, as "sexuality must not be thought, it must be felt. Sexual fullness is the enemy of pressure, sexuality is the most complex human behavior, so working on the experience is key”.


Dr. Santiago Cedrés, Referente de la Policlínica de Sexología

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