New pharmacy chains

We have expanded our system of pharmacies. We now have 3 chains to supply your medication.

The conditions will be maintained according to your plan: 50% discount and Tickets’ system.



PHONE NUMBER: 2406 8096 (exclusive line BH)

OPENING HOURS: From Monday to Saturdays 24 hrs.

PAYMENT METHODS: Payment by card or cash.

DELIVERY: In Montevideo, free of charge. Deliveries in Maldonado.

BRANCHES see here the list of the available ones



PHONE NUMBER: 2508 8080 (exclusive line HB)


PAYMENT METHODS: Payments by card at address.

DELIVERY: In Montevideo it’s $ 40 on purchases up to $ 1000. Free pick-up at any branch. Outside of Montevideo, delivery free of charge.

BRANCHES see here the list of the available ones



PHONE NUMBER: Montevideo, 08003456. Other country regions see contact information for branches.

OPENING HOURS: From 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

PAYMENT METHODS: Payments by card at address.

DELIVERY: In Montevideo it’s $ 40 on purchases up to $ 1000. Free pick-up at any branch. Outside of Montevideo, delivery free of charge.

BRANCHES see here the list of available branches


Chronic recipes must be purchased from the same chain. Remember that, throughout the whole treatment, your chronic prescription must be purchased from the chain where it was started.


We hope you enjoy this new coverage across the whole country.



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