British Hospital, Auditorium B
Date: 10th and 11th of May, 2024
From: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Aimed at: Gynecologists, advanced gynecology residents and surgeons.
General Coordination:
Dr. A.S. Joel Laufer
Dr. A.S. James Scasso
Dr. A.S. Gonzalo Sotero and Dr. John Alves.
Heads of Gynecology Department.
International guests:
Dr. A.S. Jose Saadi. Argentina.
Dr. A.S. Ferdinand Heredia. Chile.
Dr. A.S. Our Couple. Colombia.
Dr. A.S. Reitan Ribeiro.
Advanced surgical techniques.
Live surgeries.
Management of complications.
Hands On. Laparoscopic suturing with experts.
Organized by:
BH Department of Gynecology.
Gynecological Clinic C, Faculty of Medicine, Udelar.
Continuing Medical Education, BH.
In-site activity, free of charge.
Limited places.
Information and inscriptions: emc@hospitalbritanico.org.uy (subject: Gynecology course)
We hope you can come!