Addictions: a space for reflection

Diario EL PAÍS 10.11.16

In response to its members´ concerns, the British Hospital held two talks focused on addictions´ prevention, particularly about drugs and alcohol, not only in adults and young people but also in adolescents. On Thursday 19th of October, the physicians Verónica Cardeillac and Gabriel Rossi led an activity about “Drugs in Young people and adults”, which was added up to the activity about “Drugs and alcohol in adolescents” which was carried out on Wednesday the 4th by Dr. Rossi himself and Dr. Teresita Sabat. Dr. Sabat is a pediatrician, specialized in adolescents, Dr. Rossi is physiatrist of children and adolescents and with a master's degree in drugs addictions, and Dr. Cardeillac is an adult´s psychiatrist. Dr. Sabat did an introduction in which she illustrated to the attendants their possible perception on adolescence as a stage of life and the changes at different levels that are processed throughout it, and also about the need to prevent risk behaviors without falling into overprotection. In the workshop on adults and young people, Dr. Rossi drew the attention to the problem on "the perception of drugs focused on some drugs with a superlative concern for ones and an unconcern for others". In that context, he recalled that there is a growing concern on the subject of designer drugs, while in the country more than one person dies per day because of liver cirrhosis, due to alcohol is the most consumed drug. "The consumption of alcohol is fully integrated and legitimized in everyday life, going through all social layers" and there was a change the passage of "consumption alcohol culture of Mediterranean style, enjoyable, where abuse was not the usual and the allowed "to a" culture of excess "more of a Nordic style, where abuse is more allowed and socialized, he explained. “Regarding the phenomenon of drugs and their problems" Dr. Rossi emphasized the importance of the community and the attitudes of its members. In the opinion of the specialist we should move to "a more appropriate perception to the reality". At this point he recalled that in Latin America the consumption of alcohol is the first risk factor for premature death and that Uruguay is in the first places at a continental level in this matter. Dr. Rossi mentioned that alcohol is “the adolescents´ favorite drug” and “its use is much more important that the use of all drugs together”. He recalled that “the problematic use” of alcohol and of other drugs it`s related to the possibility of abuse and dependency, as well as the chances of having problems every time it is consumed. The involvement with parents is the greatest prevention. There may be a great involvement or a little one. In cases of parents with a high involvement the percentage of use of substances is lower, "he stated. "Sharing everyday life is much more preventive than information," he summarized. Dr. Cardeillac insisted on the relevance of exploring with the doctor if there is a problematic consumption of some substance (s), in order to establish whether it deserves a treatment or not, a brief intervention or to be assisted in a specialized service. The brief intervention can show the person that specific problematic consumption in order to "do something with that problem and modify that behavior", for instance reducing the associated risks.

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