Transfusion medicine

"CLUB CHARITY " BRITISH HOSPITAL AND ENSURES PROMOTES BLOOD DONATION DONOR AND THEIR FAMILIES The implementation of a " Solidarity Club " allowed the British Hospital have almost 250 users who donate blood twice a year, promote voluntary and lead to the adoption of best practices worldwide in the field of Transfusion Medicine. The British Hospital pioneered Uruguay development of what today is known as Transfusion Medicine, said Dr. Diego Estol, Chief Physician Department of Transfusion Medicine at the hospital and grandson of Dr. Julio César Estol , who led visionary that first stage. Due to its characteristics, the Department of Transfusion Medicine Hospital should pace themselves and accompany British, in turn, the development of all other areas of the British Hospital , which are somehow their " internal customers " and whose demands and needs to respond. The goal, explained Estol, is " within the specialties of Transfusion Medicine to be basically self-sufficient in performance " and " against the development of the hospital cause the elements to make and carry out the techniques, procedures and treatments " that are available. The offered by the Department of Transfusion Medicine are " complementary services ", which complement other therapeutic precisely as when performing extractions to conduct a bone marrow transplant , a procedure in which supports the area of Hematology . The British Hospital also pioneered marrow transplant, since it was the first hospital in Latin America in which operation was performed that. The work of the Department of Transfusion Medicine involves the production of biological products from the contribution of donors whose blood is fractionated to produce blood components such as blood cells , platelets and fresh frozen plasma, which will then be used in a procedure. This task, like the others that are carried out in such a sensitive area, is the observance of strict quality standards, rigorous application procedure manuals and standards, and monitoring products provides guarantees for all involved. In therapeutic area, the department works on the extraction of various blood components as well as their specialty consultations, such as in the area of  immunohematology, which works on the detection of new antibodies or controls are made pregnant . Blood is supplied to the Department in two ways. Through the so-called replacement donors when to perform a procedure the user is asked to provide donors, or through voluntary donation. To promote voluntary, the British Hospital launched a Solidarity Club, who are invited to join replacement donors both as users and medical and non-medical staff of the hospital. So the hospital has to date almost 250 voluntary donors who donate blood twice a year. In return we will ensure cover may need blood themselves or family members, both in the British Hospital and in other medical institution. The initiative allows the hospital to reach purely voluntary donor, which is considered worldwide the best donor, it does not hide pathologies. The amount of volunteer donors British Hospital has been growing at a rate of 10 % annually and 30% of the blood that manages the Department of Transfusion Medicine is provided by them. The goal, said Estol, is to reverse the equation and 70 % comes from voluntary and only 30% of replacement donors . In this as in other areas of modern medicine the contribution of technology is very important . Thus, the detection of antibodies to the hospital has the most sophisticated equipment on the market, the management and monitoring of the blood and the various products is backed with bar codes and traceability to set who donated the blood, technicians perform the extraction, what procedures were done with her and who eventually carried out, among other information.

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