VII Interactive Conferences of Updating in Internal Medicine

Diagnostic and therapeutic updating aspects. Medical records discussions in each unit. Workshops - Mini conferences Foreign guests: Dr. Banu Symington (FACP - Embajadora Internacional ACP - USA) A. Tomas Ordunas (Argentina) Dr. Jorge O. Caneva (Argentina) Dr. Alejandro García...

Plastic Surgery Monthly Athenaeum

“Complications in the use of silicone implants in mentoplasty”. Expositor: Dr. Natalia Sorrenti Organized by: British Hospital Plastic Surgery Department Time punctuality is...

Digestive Endoscopy Course

Rioplatense Meeting: Buenos Aires British Hospital vs. Montevideo British Hospital Foreign guests: Dr. Carlos González del Solar Dr. Alejandro Dutack Dr. Mariano Villarroel Target audience: Endoscopists, Gastroenterologists, Surgeons and Pathologists General coordination: Dr....

Integration Conference on Pressure Ulcers

Target audience: Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Physiatrists, Physiotherapists, Geriatricians, Physicians, and Nursing Assistants, Graduates in Psychology. Exhibitors: Dr. Alejandra Peyre (Dermatology Department), Lic. Raquel Bueno (Nursing Department), Lic. Ps. María Del Rosario...

Pathology Pediatric Airway

Activity aim at: Pediatricians, pediatric neumologists, emergency pediatricians, pediatric intensivists. Coordination by: Dr. Ernesto Falconi, Dr. Guzmán Fugasot, Dr. Inés Doassans. Organized by: The British Hospital Otolaryngology Department +INFO and enrolment:...

X Day of Hand Surgery

Invited speakers: Prof. Dr. Jefferson Braga - Prof. Agda. Graciela Borelli Coordination by: Dr. Enrique Fossati, Dr. Verónica Morales and Dr. Natalia Sorrenti. Organized by: The British Hospital Plastic Surgery Department +INFO and enrolment:...