CORONAVIRUS – Quarantine at home.

  Recomendations for people in quarentine   Don´t leave your home. No visitors allowed. Keep up with had hygiene. Keep all rooms ventilated. Control your body temperature and be vigilant of any respiratory symptoms, cough, rhinitis or fever. In case of the...

CORONAVIRUS_Isolation at home

              Recomendations for people during isolation         Recommendations for people isolated at home who have the disease or have been signalled out as a suspicious...

CORONAVIRUS_Asistencia al viajero

Recomendaciones al viajero que regresa al país (fundamentalmente de los países más afectados)   Recluirse lo más posible en el domicilio por 15 días (hasta descartar síntomas). Evitar aglomeraciones. En el domicilio buen lavado de manos,...

CORONAVIRUS_Prevención en la comunidad

Para la prevención en la comunidad y protección personal   Evitar el saludo con abrazo, beso y con la mano. No concurrir a sitios con aglomeraciones. Lavado de manos con agua y jabón por 20 segundos sobretodo si se visitaron lugares públicos, o luego de...

World Sleep Day

Fulfilling a healthy dream allows us to reach our optimal cognitive situation to face life's challenges and live it in a better way.   Sleeping 7 to 8 hours per night improves your quality of life:   - Optimizes physical and mental health, reducing the risk of obesity and...

TIPS Sleep Better

In the framework of the World Sleep Day we give you recommendations of Dr. Cecilia Orellana Neurologist Specialist in Sleep Medicine, to help you achieve healthy sleep. Play...

Tips for preventing germs spreading

Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing with your forearm or a tissue and then dispose it correctly. Immediately, sanitize your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use gel alcohol for disinfection. With these simple measures you protect yourself and those around...

National access to digital medical records

The main objective of the Digital Medical Records is to ensure the continuity medical asistance of the user in the National Integrated Health System (SNIS). It implies that the medical records of each user is available to the health team who provides assistance to the...