Add us and receive the news

We have established a new institutional channel with our members through whatsapp to keep them informed of the important news and benefits with their Hospital Scheme coverage. Add us to be in contact: HB_News...

Post Covid 19 Recovery Unit

The symptoms of COVID 19, may persist after the disease and being discharged. Up to 15% of the patients who have had the condition develop persistent symptoms weeks or even months after the initial infection. The symptoms of POST COVID syndrome are multiple and varied including extreme...

New pharmacy chains

We have expanded our system of pharmacies. We now have 3 chains to supply your medication. The conditions will be maintained according to your plan: 50% discount and Tickets’ system.   “EL TÚNEL” PHARMACY PHONE NUMBER: 2406 8096 (exclusive line...

New Coffee Shop proposal at Carrasco Clinic

On the 2nd of June, a new Coffee Shop was inaugurated at Carrasco Clinic with a new take away coffee proposal that includes packaged products for tea time, in addition to its classic products. This new service responds, once again, to the suggestions made by our members and that motivate us to...

Nueva Policlínica de Adolescencia

Hemos inagurado un nuevo espacio exclusivo para todos nuestros socios adolescentes. La nueva Policlinica del Adolescente conjuga todas las especialidades afines como medicina del adolescente, ginecología, deportología, toxicología, endocrinología,...

New swab service for hospital scheme members

To accompany the situation that we are facing, we have inaugurated a service to do COVID swabs for our members. This new service allows to take the sample and getting there walking or by car, and it is located in Presidente Batlle 2672 between Italy Avenue and Bahía Blanca...

Travel Insurance News

Together with Uruguay Assistance, since the 17th of August, we provide assistance for COVID-19 in all our Travel Insurance plans, up to the maximum limit exclusively for health expenses.   + Info .: Hospital Scheme, tel. 2487 1020 extension number....

Multimodal Medical Agenda and new online services

Through the Appointment´s department, the App or online services, each member of the Hospital now has the facility to choose the medical consultation that is most convenient for the person:   We have completed a joint work with our professionals to offer the possibility of choosing...