2014 Vaccination

Approaching again to the epidemiological seasonal period we offer some information and recommendations. VACCINATION AGAINST INFLUENZA (Flu) 2013 We alredy have the flu vaccine for free. The vaccine is the TRIVALENT recommended by the World Health Organization (Lab. Sanofi...

Congress Awards in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

On the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4thof April, the First Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation took place along with the First National Conference of Residents, together with the Sixteenth Congress of the SouthernCone in Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine, and the Twelfth Latin-American...

Ergonomic Care for Health staff

"Ergonomic Care for Health staff" Friday, October 4th 13.30 to 15.30 hrs · Orient staff to avoid psychological and physical stress in their activities · Educate staff on correct use to avoid injury posturación Coordinator: Dr Horacio...

Transfusion medicine

"CLUB CHARITY " BRITISH HOSPITAL AND ENSURES PROMOTES BLOOD DONATION DONOR AND THEIR FAMILIES The implementation of a " Solidarity Club " allowed the British Hospital have almost 250 users who donate blood twice a year, promote voluntary and lead to the adoption of best...

September 11. Health official day

We want to remind all our users that September 11th, marks the Day of the Health worker. This day is a non-working holiday for our sector, so that our services remain open in emergency regime. Thank you for sharing this day with...

Advanced Physiotherapy

PERMANENT TRAINING AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DETERMINE THE PHYSIATRY DEPARTMENT OF THE BRITISH HOSPITAL Permanent recruitment and training of medical professionals and physiotherapists , detection and care of new needs , teamwork with other professionals and managing for excellence in the...

Mom Gourmet

During this Breastfeeding edition Week we have planned a new Gastronomic Workshop aimed at our pregnant members. Our nutritionist team and the Breastfeeding Clinic along with the Chef Diego Ruete, planned a gastronomic workshop and interactive recipes designed exclusively for nursing mothers...