CYCLE 2021: Hypertension Course

A multidisciplinary team of professionals is committed to help to change lifestyles through the appropriate management of stress, the conscious and proper care of our body and the understanding of healthy eating’s habits. Workshops in charge of the interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Roberto...

CICLO 2021: Curso para la Memoria

This brain stimulation program is based on cognitive reserve and neuronal plasticity. It’s dedicated to improve mental performance through exercises and skills training. Group tasks performed promote better cognitive performance, stimulate and reinforce attention, memory, language,...

CYCLE 2021: Tobacco Cessation Course

Feel free by declaring yourself an ex-smoker. The plan consists of an individual interview where the doctor collects clinical data from the patient; 12 group or individual sessions with weekly frequency where motivational techniques and techniques to stop smoking and to maintain abstinence with...

CYCLE 2021: Health Education Course

A multidisciplinary team of professionals is committed to help in leading changes in lifestyles through the correct management of stress, the appropriate and conscious importance of taking care of our body and the apprehension of healthy eating habits, discovering the pleasure of learning to take...

Memory Course

A new cycle of the course begins whose main objective is adult mental health. This brain stimulation program is based on cognitive reserve and neuronal plasticity. It’s dedicated to improve mental performance through exercises and skills training. Group tasks performed promote better...

Gymnastics for Adults

A break in the day, to cultivate well-being and health. We will be able to clear the mind, feel lighter, have more poise, serenity and have a deep sleep at night.   Professional in charge: Instructors Malena Rodríguez and Estela Chapuis.   Cycle 2020: May to...

Stress Reduccion Course

The aim of the course is to analyze how stress affects the living of each person and how to develop tools to manage and even reduce it. During the meetings, the emphasis will be focused on the evolutionary formation of the Central Nervous System, on its evolution, its functioning and...

Post Birth Course

Because we want to accompany and guide you in everything you need during the baby´s first months of life.   Courses ‘start: Bi-monthly throughout the year. Time: From 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm.   Exclusive invitation for Hospital Scheme and Notarial Health...